The Dragon Primarch

Dragonatus Enfuriay, the Eternal Dragon, Primarch of the Emperor's Dragons Legion

Dragonatus Enfuriay, the Eternal Dragon, Primarch of the Emperor's Dragons Legion

Pencil and color underlay.

Pencil and color underlay.

colour confirmation, rendering and final

colour confirmation, rendering and final

Dragonatus Enfuriay, the Eternal Dragon, Primarch of the Emperor's Dragons Legion

Wearing armour of the finest craftsmenship, Dragonatus wields the Sword of Eons: a blade that was made in the days of the beginning, an age of myth. No disruption field or power of technology charge this arcane blade, but the strength of the will of the bearer, Dragonatus's pure spirit sets the sword afire with power in battle, making it capable of toppling titans.

Dragonatus is a warrior few can match, his prowess in battle as impressive as his ability to lead campaigns against the enemies of the Imperium. For 6000 years he has lead the last legion to uncountable victories and honours, never to be known or seen by the Imperium as they fight at the extreme fringes of the God Emperors realm. However the end times draw near and its time to make the Emperor's last legion known to all...

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June 4, 2017