General Tar Es Janar

Original Idea. Drawn in early 2018, It sat in the background for a long time before I really got into painting it.

Original Idea. Drawn in early 2018, It sat in the background for a long time before I really got into painting it.

Painted as a bit of fun for Warlord Games, I really like this character and his story arc. He's no longer usable anymore as they have put his character on hold in the fluff so he wasn't used. However I think he's really cool.

Guilty of treason for defying the counsil of his people by taking his forces to rescue a planet without their approval, he's been put on trial for his "crimes". Personally I hope his heroism is rewarded justly... see what they decide ;)

Can find more of his story here:

December 14, 2019